A yoga is formed by more than one planet. The nature of a planet is of three types:
1) Benefic 2) Malefic and Neutral.
According to the natural classification benefics and Jupiter, Venus, well-associated
Mercury and waxing Moon and Malefics are the Sun, Mars, Saturn, Evil-associated
Mercury and waning Moon.
The benefics or benefic lords are 1) Lord of Lagna, 2) Lords of the 5th and 9th and
3) Lords of Kendras when they are malefics. The Malefics are 1) the lords of the
3rd, 6th and 11th and 2) lords of Kendras when they are natural benefics.
The lords of the 2nd and 12th may be termed neutral because they give good or
bad results according to their conjunctions. The 8th lord is a malefic according to
Jathaka Chandrika.