Navagrahas | ||
1.Suryanarcoil - Surya Sthalam (Kumbakonam, TN) Surya Mantras: Chandrama Mantras: Brahspati Mantras Ketu Mantras: . Mangal Budh Mantras: Raahu Shani Mantras Shukra Mantras:
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Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Maharishi Parashara and Maharishi Jaimini as well attach much importance to the Arudha Padas of the signs and planets. The purpose of our present study is to assess the importance of Arudha Padas in predicting marriage prospects and examining marriage compatibility.
Definition of Arudha Pada: An Arudha Pada of a house or a planet is an image of that entity. It will indicate the Maya, or illusion connected to that entity. Arudhas of the houses will indicate the illusion or perception of others about the areas of life of the native, and Arudhas of the planets will indicate his illusion or perception about the entities indicated by the planets.
Calculation of Arudha Pada: Count the number of signs from the sign to its lord in a clockwise direction both inclusive. Then count the same number of signs forward from the lord and the sign arrived at will be the Arudha Pada of that sign.
Arudha Pada of a planet is calculated as follows: Count the number of signs from the planet to the sign owned by it in a clockwise direction and count the same number forwards from the sign. The sign arrived at will be the Arudha Pada of the planet.
Addition 1.: If the sign is owned by two planets (like in case of Scorpio and Aquarius), the stronger planet should be taken as the lord of it for the calculation of Bhava Padas. For the calculation of Graha Padas also the stronger sign should be taken into account for planets ruling two signs. The comparative strength should be determined on the basis of rules given by Jaimini in Chapter II Quarter III. of Upadesa Sutras.
Addition 2.: If the Pada of a sign would fall into the same sign, then the 10th should be taken for Bhava Pada, and if it would fall into the 7th house from it, then the 4th should be taken.
The proper analysis of these Padas is very essential for correct predictions, as we live in the world of Maya (illusion), where most of the things look different than they are in reality. When judging someone’s marriage prospects, we usually look at the 7th house. It would be logical, therefore to take into account the Arudha of the 7th house, which is called Darapada. But we should note here, that the 7th house may not only refer to legal married relationships, rather some other relationships are also indicated like business partnership, travel companions etc. And also sexual contacts out of marriage may be indicated by this house. So when referring to the Darapada (Arudha of the 7th house) we will receive indications about all these things. And even within marriage the Darapada will more indicate the physical contact with the wife, rather than her role as a wife. Therefore the Maharishis advise to analyse the Upapada (Arudha of the 12th house) for receiving proper indications about the marriage and its outcome.
We may note the principle that the 2nd house from any house will indicate the Phalam (fruits or results) of that house. Therefore we look at the 8th house for the success or failure of marriage in the long run. Similarly, the indications of the 2nd house from the Upapada will even more vividly indicate the outcome of marriage. With the above in mind, let’s see what indications do the Maharishis explain for the Upapada:
1. The auspiciousness of Upapada confers on the native happiness from his wife, son etc. (in short family happiness). If the Upapada is occupied or aspected by benefics, the native will achieve full happiness with the above. If there is the aspect of the malefics, the native becomes an ascetic, a mendicant or goes without a wife, but if it receives the aspect of benefics at the same time, the combination is not the destroyer of the native’s wife. The Sun does not become a malefic if he is in exaltation or friendly sign, but it will be malefic if is debilitated or in an enemy’s sign. (As marriage is related to Dharma, the Sun and Ketu are not malefic towards the Upapada).
2. If the 2nd house from Upapada has benefics in it, aspected by them or is in a benefic sign, then the native will have happiness form his wife. But if the same house is occupied by a planet debilitated in Rasi or Navamsha, or a malefic planet, the native will be the destroyer of his wife.
3. If the 2nd from Upapada has a planet exalted in Rasi or Navamsha, or is aspected by an exalted benefic then the native may get a charming and virtuous wife.
4. If the 2nd from Upapada has malefic aspects or conjunctions, the native loses his wife or renounces the world. But the aspect or conjunction of benefics will prevent this indication from manifestation.
5. Gemini in Upapada or 2nd from it gives more than one wife.
6. Exalted planets in the 2nd from Upapada give many wives or a long-lived wife.
7. If the lord of Upapada or 2nd is in own house, the native’s wife will die only at an advanced age.
8. If the Sthira Karaka for spouse (Venus for wife and Jupiter for husband) is in own house, the native will be devoid of wife in his later years.
9. If the lord of Upapada or Sthira Dara Karaka is exalted, the wife is from a noble family, and if debilitated then she is from a low class family.
10. If benefics are present in Upapada or 2nd, the wife will be beautiful and virtuous.
11. Jupiter/Moon in the Upapada give a fair complexioned spouse, while Saturn gives a dark complexioned spouse.
12. Saturn and Rahu in the 2nd from Upapada indicate giving up the wife due to a scandal or death.
13. If the Upapada or 2nd have conjunction of Venus and Ketu, the native’s wife is troubled by bleeding and leucorrhea.
14. Mercury and Ketu indicates breakage of bones, while Rahu, Saturn and Sun indicate raging fever.
15. Mercury and Rahu in 2nd gives a stout bodied wife, Mercury with Ketu give a corpulent spouse.
16. Sun and Mars in the signs of Mercury or Mars give nasal disorders.
17. Jupiter and Saturn give disorders of ears, eyes and nerves.
18. Mars and Mercury in other than own signs or Rahu and Jupiter give dental problems.
19. Saturn and Rahu in Saturn’s signs or Pisces give windy disorders or lameness.
19. If benefics conjunct or aspect the above combinations, the evil effect will not manifest
On the contrary, let’s see a few indications for the Darapada:
Darapada in quadrant or trine from the Arudha Lagna gives blessings of Sri Devi (prosperity and good fortune), but in other houses it makes the native unfortunate.
The Darapada in quadrant or trine from Arudha Lagna will also give marital harmony and physical compatibility.
The Darapada in the 6th, 8th or 12th houses from Arudha Lagna makes the couple inimically disposed towards each other.
So the attitude of the wife may be seen from the Upapada, the result of marriage or the life of the wife may be seen from the 2nd to it, the wife’s family may be seen from the sign occupied by the lord of the Upapada, and the physical appearance of the wife may be seen from the 7th house in Rasi/Navamsa.
Srila Prabhupada: born 9/1/1896 3.24 pm LMT at 88E22 and 22N32
Srila Prabhupada’s Upapada falls into a malefic Rasi (Aquarius) and has Rahu in it in own house. It is aspected only by exalted Saturn. So the marriage was long, still it ended in separation, as Srila Prabhupada took sannyasa and left his family. At the same time, we wouldn’t have been able to predict this from his 7th house, which is aspected by two benefics. The 2nd from Upapada is also aspected by the same two benefics, Venus and Mercury, but these planets are in the 6th from Arudha Lagna thereby causing Viparita Pravrajya yoga. So these planets did not prevent him from taking sannyasa, rather forced him to do that, but he did not become lonely or unhappy by doing that.
Male native born on 5/11/1962 at 9.20 pm at 19E04 47N30 1 hrs east of GMT.
After thus assessing the prospects for marriage from the charts of both the prospective bride and groom, we could go on to finding the factors for marriage compatibility. Usually much attention is given to the Moon’s placement (i.e. the Janma Rasi and Janma Nakshatra), and an elaborate system has been developed by the ancient astrologers for the comparison of the Moon signs called 12 Kootas. I do not wish to delve on this subject now in detail, as the purpose of our study is different.
Undoubtedly, the compatibility of the Moon signs is vital if we expect the couple to have mental and emotional happiness in their marriage, as the Moon is the natural karaka for the mind, emotions and happiness. But even if we find two people with finely compatible Moon Nakshatras, what would guarantee that any relationship will actually develop between them? Maybe the natures of a man and a woman are completely compatible, but they just don’t have the occasion to meet each other and realize that. So there is one thing in determination of the success of a marriage that is higher than the Moon or mind, and that is the karma. If they have the karma to meet and have a relationship, then the compatible Moon signs can work, otherwise there is no meaning for them. The karma is based on material activities or Maya, therefore the study of Arudha Padas gives a very good clue to it. Therefore Upapada matching is the most important factor for determining the scope for the manifestation of the relationship.
Rule: The Upapada of the native should fall into trinal or opposite signs from the Lagna of the spouse, and the Lagna of the native should fall into trinal or opposite signs from the Upapada of the spouse for being compatible.
Of course, for any nativity it would give four signs which are compatible with his Upapada, the three signs of the same Tattwa and the opposite one. Suppose someone’s Upapada is in Gemini. Then his spouse’s Lagna should ideally fall into Gemini, Libra, Aquarius (trinal signs) or Sagittarius (opposite sign). So this would mean that every third woman would be compatible with him. Therefore the compatibility is acceptable only if it is there from the opposite side also, i.e. the native’s Lagna is in trines or opposition to the spouse’s Upapada. Suppose the same native had his lagna in Pisces. Then his spouse’s Upapada should fall into watery signs (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio) or Virgo (opposite sign). This would still make every 9th person compatible with the native. Therefore, to be sure that the karmic compatibility is there, the planets occupying and aspecting the Lagna of one sign and the Upapada of the other sign should be similar. Here and in judging the effects of Upapada as above, only the sign aspects (Rasi Dristi) can be taken as reliable. Suppose the native’s Upapada was Gemini, and his spouse’s Lagna falls into Libra. If in both charts the signs are occupied or aspected by Mercury, Sun and Ketu for example, then the karmic bond is confirmed. Then the relationship between his Lagna and her Upapada should be assessed in a similar way.
If the above rule is applicable to the Upapada of one chart and the Arudha Lagna of the other, then the marriage is based on externalities like money, position, wealth or beauty of the spouse, and not on his real personality. Arudha Lagna indicates the externalities, and such marriages are not very happy, as there is no real relationship between the souls.
If the two Upapadas fall into trines or opposition, then it indicates an arranged marriage, and if there is no other relationship between the two charts, then it will not really be a happy one.
Wife born on 12/15/1951 at 12.47 am at 157W52 and 21N19 10 hrs west of GMT
harm to his marriage. His wife’s Lagna is in the 7th from it, in Virgo, occupied by Mars and Saturn, and aspected by Mercury, Jupiter and Moon. So the only difference between
There are totally 23 Marriage matching concepts. But in practise we are having
only 10 Marriage matching. They are
1) DINA PRUTHAM - based on stars
2) GANA PORUTHAM- deals's with person's quality
3) MAHENDRA PORUTHAM - denotes issues
4) YONI PORUTHAM - denotes Martial rapport and sex life between the couples
5) RASI PORUTHAM - denotes Rasi compatability
6) RASI LORD PORUTHAM - denotes Compatibility between Rasi lords
7) VASIYA PORUTHAM - denotes understanding between couples
8) STREE PORUTHAM - denotes the longevity of the female
9) VEDHA AFFLICTION denotes Compatibility between stars
10) RAJJU PORUTHAM - denotes long life of the couple. Very important for marriage