When Rahu and Kethu are placed in 1st, 2nd, 7th , 8th,
12 th house from Lagna, Rasi, and Sukra , Nagha Dosha
is formed. But there are exceptions . when Jupiter aspects
Rahu or Kethu then Nagha dosha will not give evil results.
For Kataka Lagna, Simha lagna natives Nagha dosha will
give high malefic results. Nagha dosha generally leads to
delays in marriage, hurdles in career, Loss of issues,
imprisionment etc. Rahu and kethu when placed in
1st, 2nd, 7th,8th house is dreadful and gives high
malefic results. In 5th house - Rahu and Kethu gives
Mixed results( both good and bad).
Remedies: To overcome the malefic effects of Nagha
Dosham, One can visit Kalahasthi(located in Andhra pradesh)
and do the necessary rituals. Visiting Thirunageswaram
in Kumbakkonam (Rahu shrine- Performing the ritual at
Rahu Kaalam on any day) and Visiting Kizhperumpalam
at (Kethu shrine - located in Mayavaram- Tamilnadu)
will overcome the evil effects of Rahu and Kethu.