Astrology is a puzzle for everybody. Everyone is interested to know
about the future prospects, even though a person or a individual will
pretend that he does not have any faith in Astrology, but the real situation
is not that so. Astrology pinpoints the future of every individual, - what are
all the achievements, sorrows, happiness, incidents, situations that a person
is going to face - these are all the essential facts - that Astrology reveals.
Hi! I am H.M.Hariharan. I am born and brought up in chennai. My father
is a retired Admin Officer from Insurance Sector. Astrology came to me
suddenly in the year 1996- when I started imagining that I am going to be
murdered by some person- ( I was supposed to attend an interview at
Pondicherry). My imagination came true after some time, that the company
where I was supposed to attend the interview at pondicherry was raided by
police and the company was sealed .
After this incident, I started practising Astrology, I began to predict future
of an individual. My father is a palmist and a person with Extra-sensory
perception. My father is my guru. I took a lot of advice from my father.
Actually, my forefathers were eminent Astrologers in Travancore. So
this is one of the reasons that I got interest in Astrology and it became
my profession.