Astrology is " WISDOM OR KNOWLEDGE OF LIGHT". Astrology
is predicting future of any individual. With the help of Astrology one
cannot be sure or when the death is going to him? (OR) a person cannot
escape from the disease that he is going to get, these two things depends
on the fate. Fate cannot be changed . Whatever sins or good deeds any
native commits in the previous birth, that results (good or bad deeds) will
be carried in the previous birth.
There are three types of Astrology 1) INDIAN ASTROLOGY 2) WESTERN
ASTROLOGY and 3) STELLAR ASTROLOGY. Our Indian Astrology is
based on 'NIRYANA SYSTEM'- based on Movement of "Moon's position",
whereas WESTERN ASTROLOGY is based on "SAYANA SYSTEM", - based
on Movement of "Sun".
There are three schools of Astrology namely 1) PARASARA SYSTEM
But generally our Astrology is based on PARASARA MAHARISHI SYSTEM.
PARASARA MAHARISHI is 6000 Years old. JAIMINI SYSTEM is different
from PARASARA SYSTEM. The Universe is named as ' ZODIAC ' - Which
means that there are 12 Signs - counts up to 180 degrees. In each and every
sign there are 30 degrees.